Smart Calendars AI

Your intelligent calendar assistant for seamless scheduling

Privacy Policy

Smart Calendars AI doesn't collect any personal data beyond what is strictly necessary for the app's core functionality and security.

App Data Retention

Smart Calendar AI uses OpenAI's API services to provide intelligent scheduling features. When you use the app, your specific scheduling requests are processed through the OpenAI API. Importantly, data sent to OpenAI's API is not used for training purposes and is only used to process your requests. For more details about the OpenAI API, we refer to OpenAI's privacy policy.

No usage data is collected.

App Data Processing

  • Image processing is performed locally on your device.
  • Speech recognition and processing uses Apple's built-in framework.
  • No images or audio recordings are transmitted to external servers.

Link Sharing Service

For secure link and QR code sharing features, our server collects only minimal, non-identifiable analytics to ensure service reliability, performance and security.


For statistical purposes, this website anonymously collects basic web analytics data using Matomo.


Subscriptions for using Smart Calendars AI are processed by Apple. Please refer to their respective privacy policies for information about payment processing.

Updated: December 18, 2024